Tracy Morgan And Others Not Wearing Seat Belts According To Walmart

Tracy Morgan Mercedes Van Crashed

Walmart Denies Negligence In Tracy Morgan Accident

Tracy Morgan Mercedes Van Crashed

Walmart Transportation and Walmart denies negligence in the June 7th accident that injured Tracy Morgan and killed comedian James McNair. Actor and comedian Tracy Morgan filed a lawsuit against Walmart back in early July. The large retailer’s legal defense team recently filed papers stating that Tracy Morgan, James McNair and others were not wearing their seat belts at the time of the accident.

Upon information and belief, plaintiffs’ injuries, if any, were caused, in whole or in part, by plaintiffs’ failure to properly wear an appropriate available seatbelt restraint device. By failing to exercise ordinary care in making use of available seatbelts…plaintiffs acted unreasonablyaccording to Wal-Mart’s legal defense, which was filed on Sept. 29th. “Accordingly, all or a portion of the injuries could have been diminished or minimized by the exercise of reasonable conduct in using the available seatbelts.”

Kevin Roper's Walmart Truck After Accident

In Walmart’s Sept. 29th filing, Walmart denied all the allegations brought in the suit and says it is not liable for the crash or any damages requested by Morgan and the other plaintiffs.

The accident took place on June 7th as Walmart truck driver Kevin Roper struck a Mercedes van on the New Jersey Turnpike. Reports then surfaced that Roper had been awake for 24 straight hours prior to the accident. The National Safety Transportation Board investigated Roper’s hours but found them to be within the limits. We later found out that Roper had driven 700 miles from his home in Georgia to a Walmart terminal in Delaware on the morning of June 7th.

The Tracy Morgan accident has received global attention and has brought on new regulations and rules in the trucking industry. The 34 Hour Restart Provision was eventually suspended in June. Huge awareness has been focused on truck driver safety ever since.

Tracy Morgan In Wheelchair

Tracy Morgan Continues To Struggle Four Months Later

Nearly four months after the tragic June 7th accident, Tracy Morgan is still confined to a wheel chair and struggling. Tracy Morgan was spotted on Wednesday going to the hospital but requested that he wished to talk to no one. The often funny at every moment comedian was not pleased to be on camera. He stated two words and most were respectful as he said, “no comment.”

Tracy Morgan’s attorney Benedict Morelli told the New York Post‘s Page Six that the Saturday Night Live alum continues to undergo rigorous rehabilitation following the June 7 crash. That includes daily speech, cognitive, vocational, and physical therapies. Tracy Morgan also continues to battle Walmart in the process.

Morgan was very upset and distraught when he heard Walmart’s statement against him. He reacted with his own statement. “After I heard what Walmart said in court I felt I had to speak out,” stated Tracy Morgan. “I can’t believe Walmart is blaming me for an accident that they caused. My friends and I were doing nothing wrong. I want to thank my fans for sticking with me during this difficult time. I love you all. I’m fighting hard every day to get back.”