Diesel Prices Hit 6 Year Lows
Falling Diesel Prices Create Unique Opportunities
Trucking companies continue to praise the falling diesel prices as diesel prices hit 6 year lows. According to the Department of Energy's weekly report, diesel prices dropped 5.9 cent...
Fuel Efficient Technology Already Exist In The Trucking Industry
Fuel Efficient Technology Will Reduce Emissions
On June 19th, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed new limits on greenhouse gases from heavy-duty trucks.
According to the EPA, the new regulations would cut 1 billion metric tons of greenhouse...
New Regulation Would Reduce Carbon Pollution In Heavy-Duty Trucks
A new rule issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and Transportation Department will have a focus on the continued efforts to cut pollution. The new regulation would reduce carbon pollution in heavy-duty trucks. The...
5 Advantages Of Using Fuel Cards VS Credit Cards
Even with diesel prices dropping, fuel is still one of the largest expenses for carriers. The better you’re able to control that cost, the more profitable your business will be. One of the easiest...