Trucking Firm Embracing Drones To Recruit Drivers And Build Industry Business

Drone Used To Record Heavy-Duty Truck Hauling Cargo
Image Source: Truckers News
Drone Used To Record Heavy-Duty Truck Hauling Cargo
Image Source: Truckers News

Drones Being Used To Recruit Truck Drivers

One trucking firm is using new technology that could take the trucking industry to new heights and it’s not the type of technology that one would think. Rather, the company is using drones to build up business and it may just be working. J.E. Oswalt & Sons, a 88 year old business, is using drones to build customers to its heavy-duty cargo trucking business.

The Midlands company owner, David Oswalt, gave a friend the go-ahead to use a drone to record one of his trucks hauling cargo along Lake Murray and through the town of Lexington. The video was originally posted back in February and promoted within the company. Now, it has hit several trucking news websites and even here at Truckers Logic.

The video has already seen a few thousand views and is starting to gain more exposure. The company has since then posted another video of a truck moving a large tire manufacturing part. It’s being said that the company has more videos planned for the future.

Will We See More Drones Used In The Trucking Industry?

Drones have been used for a variety of different purposes in recent years. Drones have become very popular in Hollywood, especially in the movie industry. Drones are giving movie produces some amazing shots that have never been used before. Drones have been in use for decades in the military, used to spy within enemy lines.

Will drones ever revolutionize the trucking industry? Will it ever become a tool that can be used to recruit more truck drivers? Many of us in the trucking industry are fully aware of the growing truck driver shortage. Drones has never been thought of as new trucking technology, but it opens the door of possibilities for everyone in the industry.

Drone videos can provide some amazing shots of trucks in action, perhaps even providing new truck drivers with an inside look of the industry. But can it be used to bring in new drivers? That remains to be seen. The videos are creative and the new perspective is pretty cool. Now that drones are being used for recruitment, I’m sure we’ll see other trucking companies coming out with these types of videos.

There’s no reason why we can’t embrace the concept of drones to recruit drivers. Marketing plays a big role in all industries. One thing we can expect is more drones being used to build business.Drones could also provide training videos for new truck drivers, even safety ideas, so the concept is interesting. Only time will tell just how many will invest in this labeled “new technology” in the trucking industry.

Check Out The Drones In Action

Here’s video one

Here’s video two