Samsung Galaxy 7 Inch Tablet

Samsung Galaxy 7

Samsung Galaxy 7 Inch Tablet

7 Inch Tablet From Samsung

Over the years truck drivers have increasingly come to rely on mobile tablet PC devices to help them perform their jobs. According to Uship, an internet shipping company, close to 60% of truckers use their mobile devices for daily business. This is just an example about how tablet and smartphone technology has impacted the trucking industry.

The Samsung Galaxy Tablet 7 inch tablet is a dependable mobile PC device that offers truckers a lot of great features including useful applications that can help them to perform their daily duties. The Galaxy Tab 4 includes features such as a built-in front-facing camera, video playback features and enough hard drive space for storing apps and important information. Truckers can also use their Samsung Galaxy Tablet to download specific apps that can check the weather, monitor traffic and to check gasoline prices.

Lightweight And A Sleek Design

This Galaxy tablet is both lightweight and sleek. I don’t like having to wrestle with my tablet. I love the feel, it’s not too big but it’s just right. I’ve had it for some time now and it’s still working. Put it this way, my 2 year old watches it every day and it has took a few trips. She’s still working great and the screen is fine.

Great Bright Display

If you’re like me, you probably find yourself on your tablet in the dark. The Galaxy Tab E Lite has an amazing display. Browsing the web is simple, shopping on my tablet is easy.

GPS Apps

When truckers are out on the road they can use one of the preset Galaxy Tab GPS apps to find the quickest route to their destination. If an operator already has a built-in GPS unit within their vehicle they can then use the one on their mobile device as a back up.

Over-the-road drivers know that they have to watch out for bad weather while they travel. With a weather application they can receive updated information about changing weather conditions in areas that they will be driving through. Monitoring traffic is also important and truckers can download certain apps that can help them to avoid traffic jams, road blocks and inform them about any traffic accidents or delays on their route.

Independent truckers can also download specific apps that will allow them to bid on loads and applications that will help them to keep track of inventory. Operators often times have to stop to fuel up their vehicles and when they do they typically go specific gasoline stations along their routes. Truckers can use their Galaxy Tab apps to save money by comparing fuel prices.

A Great Camera

The built in camera on the Galaxy Tablet can be used to take photos of damaged inventory. It can also be used to take pictures of accidents or damage done to a rig in the event of a collision. Apps such as Facebook and Twitter are available for the Galaxy Tablet device and truckers can use these features to keep in touch with their company, co-workers, family and friends. Ultimately, truckers will be able to use their Galaxy Tablet devices to help make their jobs easier and more productive while out on the road.

Galaxy Tablet 7 Reviews

With over 1,000 reviews and a 4.1/5.0 rating, there’s no question that the Samsung Galaxy 7 tablet is worth the $79.99 investment. This Samsung tablet comes in two different colors, white and black.

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