“What’s Your Opinion?” New Year Resolutions


 Big Rig Talk


Welcome to Big Rig Talk and “What’s Your Opinion!” This is our very first article in this new segment at Big Rig Ebooks! All right! And if you noticed, it’s actually Christmas Day and I’m here writing for your visual pleasure. You’re very welcome! Big Rig Talk gives you a platform to be heard. I want Big Rig Talk to be successful and that is up to you. Getting together with family for the holidays is great, right? Especially Christmas. It’s a special time of year, kids are running and screaming. Grandpa Joe is asleep on the couch, aunt Sharon has had too much to drink. Your younger cousin Sarah has three kids now. Feels like Christmas to me. It’s a reminder why families only get together a few times a year.

Trucking families are different though. You can’t deny the bond and union of a trucker’s family. A trucker spends most of his time on the road, away from home. No, we don’t like it, but it’s the path we chose to take. I went out earlier to get some items that I forgot to get yesterday. Don’t you hate that, you should always write it down. I could kick myself you know where. Anyway, I head up to 119 and I head to the gas station. I see 5 vehicles on the road, 3 of them were rigs. Technically not a vehicle, but you get the point. I hope all of them were on their way home, I truly do.

Christmas isn’t like it used to be 2 or 3 decades ago. I remember when you couldn’t find a store open on Christmas. Today, nearly everyone was open. Christmas Day is another day for progress and I guarantee their millionaire founders are not working. Do you all remember hearing about the lady protesting a big company for working on Christmas? She started a petition on the internet, she had a few hundred signatures when I last checked, it’s been a few weeks ago though. If you take one thing away from that, “always stand up for what you believe.” It doesn’t matter if it’s considered right or wrong.

Big Rig Talk is all about interacting with one another. Keep that in mind, it doesn’t take a few seconds to comment. Plus, you’ll be saving my job. I want to hear your thoughts. Do you believe that it’s right to work on Christmas? Are you working on Christmas? I know this isn’t our main subject today, but maybe it should be. Chime in, I’d love to hear your opinion. Tell us where your work or what field your in, were you made to work on Christmas Day?

Ok, January 2014 is almost here. January 1st means millions of New Year resolutions will be made and on January 2nd, millions will be broken, huh? Just being honest. I remember making a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and on the next day, I was eating a 32 ounce porterhouse and letting fireworks off. In all honesty, this time of year really does make you feel renewed in a sense. You feel like you have a new fresh start and you’re ready to give it a shot. Who has a New Year resolution?

I’m curious to hear some of your responses. I’m guessing the number one resolution is weight loss and health. As a trucker, are you going to try and work closer from home? Are you thinking about owning your own truck? Remember, you don’t have to be a trucker to answer. Are you looking for a new job or a new career? I want to hear back from you. I encourage you all to leave us a comment. I appreciate all of you taking the time to drop by. If you have your own topic you want to discuss, tell us in the comments or send us an email. Merry Christmas to all of you from the Big Rig family. Stay tuned in as I’ll be covering more topics soon. Thanks again and remember, “The Comment Section Is Below.” Signing off.