Truckers Logic CMO Richard Hale Discusses Recruiting New Truck Drivers

Recruiting Truck Drivers
Source: Cerasis
Recruiting Truck Drivers
Source: Cerasis

Truckers Logic Chief Marketing Officer Discusses Recruitment In Trucking

As the trucking industry continues to grow, so does the on-going shortage of new truck drivers. While trucking companies have been testing new marketing techniques and offering large incentives for new truck drivers, we have yet to see any ground being made. Another bad winter has slowed the industry down but as the temperatures warm up, so does the opportunity to begin recruiting new truck drivers. Our writing team was able to sit down with Truckers Logic CMO Richard Hale to discuss the options that truck driving companies have to recruit new truck drivers.

Staff Writer – Truckers Logic CMO Richard Hale, thanks for taking the time to talk about the trucking industry and discuss the concerns of recruiting new truck drivers. The truck driver shortage is no secret, it has been years in the making. Why do you think the industry has struggled do bad to recruit new truck drivers?

Richard – Great question. Recruiting new truck drivers have failed for a number of reasons. For one, this era is different than any before. Young adults coming out of high school are going to college. College is becoming less expensive and more affordable. The economy is growing and there’s more job opportunities out there. All of these contribute to the ever-growing driver shortage. And now as an industry, we’re left with more questions than answers, solutions that the whole market is trying to find out.

Staff Writer – I know there’s a lot of debate over lowering the age restrictions on new truck drivers. I know that you support lowering the required age. Can you explain why you feel that this needs to be done immediately?

Richard – I do support lowering the age requirements for new truck drivers. And let me start by saying that I also understand the safety concerns involved in such a decision. This relates back to the previous question I answered. When students reach their junior and senior years in high school, many are thinking about entering the work force or going to college. Those of us that are older, we remember how we felt. If you’re thinking about becoming a truck driver, you’re going to have to wait 3 years. A lot of students can’t afford to sit idle. This is where the trucking industry misses out on recruiting new drivers.

I’m not going to say that every 18 year old can drive a truck safely. We know that’s inaccurate. However, we do know that there is responsible 18 year old men and women out there that can drive a semi. Are you going to tell me that I can go out and die for my country at 18 but I can’t drive a rig at 18 to make a living? We have to make sure they can drive safely. We do have to train them and perhaps give them added training. But as a whole, the trucking industry completely misses new drivers because of the age gap.

Staff Writer – Do you think trucking companies are doing enough to recruit new truck drivers?

Richard – I do think there’s an effort to recruit new drivers but with the trucking industry as a whole, I feel a lot more can be done. Here’s what I worry about. Turnover. Most of the truck drivers here in the United States are close to retirement. We’re only feeling a little of the turnover in markets at this time. If we continue on this pace, we’re in trouble. How are you going to replace the aging drivers leaving when we’re short on drivers now?

I support company sponsored CDL programs. I support the government helping the trucking industry. I believe the partnerships and integration that we make now and in the future are important. The internet has opened the doors to reaching drivers of all ages. Most  trucking companies do have websites that recruit. A lot of them pay for advertising as well. There’s an effort to get new drivers on board, drivers make the company money. But as an industry, we have to meet the needs of a ever-changing society.

Staff Writer – You’ve been in marketing and business for over a decade. What advice do you give trucking companies struggling to recruit new drivers?

Richard – There’s a lot that trucking companies can do. Foremost, with the rise of technology and the swing of mobile users over desktop and television, you have to have a platform online. Building a website isn’t going to get you there, your company has to make an effort to gain visibility online and that takes time. Companies need to invest in advertising for trucking companies. Trucking companies need to be active on social media, respond to questions about their company. There’s a wide range of solutions that can be very effective to bring in new drivers to your company.

And we haven’t even touched on money, right? More money on the mile, more time at home, better routes, the options are endless. I’ve always been a big fan of respecting your drivers and giving them credit for a job well done. There’s a lot companies can do and word of mouth referrals are still a great a big factor in recruitment.

Staff – You’re the Chief Marketing Officer here at Truckers Logic. How can Truckers Logic help trucking companies recruit drivers or gain visibility online?

Richard – We’ve worked endlessly on building our network of resources here at Truckers Logic to help trucking companies recruit new drivers, fill open positions, help them grow their company and help companies reach massive audiences. We have our own marketing and SEO team, so your company is constantly working with web development experts that know and understand how the industry works. It helps big trucking companies reach a bigger crowd and helps small trucking businesses compete within the larger markets.

Markets are always changing, products live and die, stocks rise and fall. We’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies to mom and pop shops. Every business needs an ally and in a competitive market like the trucking industry, you need an advantage and Truckers Logic is that equalizer. We’re not limited to just drivers, we operate in truck leasing, financing, heavy duty, trucking insurance and much more. If your trucking business is looking for a marketing solution, Truckers Logic can help.


A special thanks to Truckers Logic CMO Richard Hale for taking the time to stop by our writing offices here in Boise.