Dutch Mill Trucking Destroyed In Sparta


Dutch Mill Trucking, a trucking shop located in Sparta, Wisconsin, has been destroyed. The trucking business at Dutch Mill trucking is a total lost. The Sparta fire department said the fire started when a truck malfunctioned in the Dutch Mill Trucking shop around midnight. It didn’t take long after for chaos to erupt and a company to go up in smoke.

Sparta Fire Chief Mike Arnold was one of the first firemen on the scene. He told reporters that once the fire began, there were multiple explosions, causing extensive damage in the shop. This can be expected in a truck shop where multiple chemicals are stored.

Basically you are talking about eight to 10 tires per rig,” Arnold stated. “When they get to a certain temperature they explode and so most of the explosions were related to the tires so could have been because of the oils and lubricants from the facility.”

Two firefighters had to be initially examined for heat exhaustion, but were later released after the initial consult. As we were told, no other injuries were reported. Dutch Mill Trucking is a complete lost, one that will number in the millions.

The Sparta Fire department, Sparta Police department  and Monroe Police department all assisted with the fire.