Truck Drivers May Be Eligible for Reimbursement for Parking Heaters



SEATTLE – Consumer-rights law firm, Hagens Berman, seeks to notify purchasers of Espar Inc. or Webasto parking heaters for their personal or business use about a price-fixing scheme that led to thousands of U.S. consumers being overcharged for parking heaters.

According to court documents, Espar conspired with one or more competitors to fix the prices for parking heaters for commercial vehicles, violating federal antitrust laws. Hagens Berman’s lawsuit against Espar and its co-conspirators seeks reimbursement for the class in an amount to be determined at trial.

If you purchased an Espar or Webasto parking heater as a business or individual since Oct. 1, 2007, you likely paid a higher price due to the illegal conspiracy and may be eligible for reimbursement in the event of a successful judgment. Hagens Berman encourages individuals to contact the firm’s legal team by emailing or calling 206-623-7292. Find out more about the lawsuit against Espar.

Contact Hagens Berman if you:

· Purchased an Espar or Webasto parking heater from distributors of Espar’s or Webasto’s products; or

· Purchased a vehicle with an Espar or Webasto parking heater already installed, from a commercial vehicle dealership; and

· Made this purchase since Oct. 1, 2007 in the following states: Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Wisconsin or West Virginia.

The lawsuit states that Espar fixed prices of its parking heaters, which are sold to aftermarket customers in the U.S., and pleaded guilty to violating federal antitrust laws and participating in an illegal price-fixing conspiracy to suppress and eliminate competition in the sale of parking heaters for commercial vehicles sold to aftermarket customers.

“For years, Espar took advantage of consumers across the country, artificially raising prices not based on supply or demand, but based on its own greed and illegally established timeline,” said Steve Berman, managing partner of Hagens Berman. “Consumers who have purchased Espar parking heaters have sustained damages to their businesses and property, and we intend to deliver compensation.”

The lawsuit also states that Espar unlawfully set a price floor for parking heater kits for commercial vehicles sold to aftermarket customers in the United States as a way to increase retail prices across the country. Espar’s price-fixing conspiracy also included coordination of the timing and amount of price increases.

Concerned customers or businesses that purchased Espar parking heaters since Oct. 1, 2007 can contact a Hagens Berman attorney about this case by emailing or by calling 206-623-7292. More information can be found here: