Big Rig Living Contest-Nominate A Truck Driver


Big Rig Living Contest (6-24-14 7-24-14)

a1a1Truckers Logic is hosting the first monthly Big Rig Living Contest to honor truck drivers and transportation professionals from around the world. The Big Rig Living Contest will feature one selected driver and their personal story will be featured all over the Trucking Edge Network. On top of that, the winner will get a full month of featured advertising for the business of his or her choice.

We wanted a way to give back to our loyal fans that continue to come back daily and interact with us all. We currently have a daily reach of 25,000 a day, so this is a great opportunity for you to promote your business. Plus, we want to hear your story. We want to know where you came from, how you become a driver or where you are today. We want to hear about your children and family.

You don’t have to nominate yourself, it can be a friend, family member or a driver that you respect. Be creative with your story and go all out. It’s real simple to enter the Big Rig Living Contest. All you have to do is send your story to or you can register for free at Truckers Logic and submit your story that way.

No matter what, we’re going to publish your story, as long as it’s clean. Everyone’s stories will be published in a special feature so everyone wins. This is our way of saying thanks and helping your voice be heard. We really hope you embrace this and choose to participate. Our entire network supports truck drivers 100 percent and we’d appreciate if you support us also.