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Tag: truck driver

Truckers Logic is your number one source for truck drivers. From truck driver news to training and resources, we cover all aspects of being a truck driver.

New Trucker’s Guide to Buying a Truck

1.     Operating environment of heavy trucks and deployment planning of trucks Before purchasing, you must first determine the type and specification of heavy-duty trucks and the truckload that can...

Volvo Truck Engines

In 1993, the unveiling of the all-new Volvo D12 series of inline six heavy-duty diesel engines would mark a distinct evolution in over-the-road trucking as the industry knew it. With a number...

Travel all over the US and control your toll expenses with the Uproad app

Uproad gets in touch with the toll agencies, sends the driver real-time notifications, and automatically handles the payments. More and more US drivers install the new Uproad app. This...
BlueParrott B250-XT Bluetooth Headset

Blue Parrot Road Warrior B250-XT Review

Since its introduction, the B250-XT 202720-C Blue Parrot Road Warrior Bluetooth Headset has been widely regarded for its ability to knock out the most aggressive ambient noise—even the roar of an 18-wheeler! It does a...

Driver’s Liability in a Truck Accident

A semi truck accident made national news when the speeding driver caused a major pileup that stopped traffic for hours. According to the press, the driver was using a narrow ramp and traveling at...
Stop Slacking When It Comes To Tire Maintenance

When You Suspect Something May Be Wrong with Your Tires

There are a lot of things that go into making sure that your transport is running at peak efficiency. Oil changes, new brake pads, tire rotation, new air filter, and regular tune-ups to name a...

Truckers vs. Nature

If you’ve driven a car, you know the pressures that traveling can place on drivers. You have to keep focused and navigate the road in front of you while assuring your safety and those...

Choosing the Right Career in Trucking

A career as a truck driver offers some unique perks (as well as its fair share of unique challenges) that draw people into the field. Hauling a big rig across the country on the...

Stay Alert, Stay Riding: Keeping Energy Up as a Trucker

Trucking is exhausting. There’s no other way to put it. Endless hours, repetitive scenery, and strict company deadlines are a brutal team, wearing truckers down into haggard, bleary-eyed zombies by the end of the...

Slick Rigs: Keeping Your Truck on the Road in Winter Weather

Trucking’s a tough gig. Winter weather don’t make it easier. Even at a low speed, in a light vehicle, winter driving is no picnic, and all drivers need to careful during the cold months....