Home Truck Driving Safety

Truck Driving Safety

Truck driving safety is the most important element for any truck driver. Learn how you can become a safe and productive truck driver at Truckers Logic.

Staying Awake Driving

How To Stay Awake Driving

If there's one thing you learn as a long haul driver, it's how to stay awake driving. After a decade of driving and too many miles to count, I feel I have the platform...

Hells Angels’ Trucking Companies Banking Big On Fuel

Outlaw bikies have used trucking companies to defraud the federal government of millions of dollars in fuel rebates, according to an Australian Taxation Office investigation. But Tax Office insiders say federal law enforcement agencies have failed...

Driver Safety & CSA Data Management

As we know, there are many factors that play into the daily life of the shipping world. Logistics management, effectively cutting costs, and customer satisfaction are commonly heard throughout shipping conversations. Yet, driver safety...

Choosing Your Fuel Stops: How To Effectively Plan Your Route

Choosing Fuel Stops   Choosing fuel stops is a very important aspect of truck driving. Perhaps the most important part of being a good truck driver, apart from driving safely, is to be able to reach...
Driver Coercion

Coercion Definition And Rule | Driver Coercion

What does coercion mean? Who does coercion apply to? Let's define coercion. Coercion definition: the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats. Coercion can apply to many things. It's the practice of...

Slick Rigs: Keeping Your Truck on the Road in Winter Weather

Trucking’s a tough gig. Winter weather don’t make it easier. Even at a low speed, in a light vehicle, winter driving is no picnic, and all drivers need to careful during the cold months....
CSA Scores In Trucking

What Are CSA Scores?

We get a lot of questions here at Truckers Logic and one of the most common, What are CSA scores? Thought we'd offer a guide for those of you searching for your CSA score...
Trucking Technology

Trucking Against Back Pain

Trucking takes it toll on all parts of a trucker’s body. Truckers spend endless hours sitting down with long stretches of rough road rumbling beneath them. Exhaustion and necessity lead to slouching posture, which...

Elite Truck Drivers Encourage Safe Summer Driving Behaviors

Earlier this month, elite truck drivers from the Share the Road Program urged motorist to exercise caution when taking to the highways this summer. The Share the Road Program is made up of some of...

Truck Driver Charged in Tracy Morgan Crash

Early Saturday morning 6/7/14 at about 1 a.m. Eastern on the turnpike in Mercer County, New Jersey. A truck driver failed to realize that the traffic ahead of him was going slower and caused...