Getting the Most Out of Truck Stop Downtime for New Truck Drivers


truck driver tips for new truck driversFollowing the completion of CDL training, you are finally free to enter the exciting world of trucking. That is until you discover that you’ll spend a decent amount of time in various truck stops scattered across the country. Many new and old drivers find this time somewhat boring and definitely wasteful, after all, it’s a little difficult to earn money sitting around doing nothing. Try to take advantage of your downtime by learning from the pros, determining mechanical logistics and recharging. As a new truck driver, there’s a lot to learn so always take mental notes.

 Listening to Veteran Truck Drivers
A truck stop is an irreplaceable advantage for any new truck driver fresh out of CDL training. There’s a vast pool of knowledge that just isn’t available in school. The veteran truck drivers that you’ll have the chance to meet are always willing and able to share their latest truck driving stories, which will be filled with good pointers and mistakes that they have learned from in the past. By listening to them, you’ll be entertained while also gaining the knowledge you need to avoid the same mistakes that they have made during many years of big rig and hot shot trucking.

Prevent Roadside Stops
Being stuck on the side of the road can be a long and drawn out delay. By taking some time while your stuck at a truck stop to look over your rig, you’ll be able to prevent most break downs, especially those caused by worn tires and inadequate fluid levels. New truck drivers fresh out of CDL training overlook the mechanical logistics in driving across country. This can lead to missed drops caused by breaking down and can also lead to roadside accidents. Regardless of whether you’re driving a large semi or you’ve taken the hotshot trucking route, breakdowns and accidents can create consequences in varying degrees.

Take Advantage of Your Downtime and Recharge
Your a long, long way from home and your bed may not see you for sometime. All truck stops allow you to unwind and get some rest, however the better truck stops usually connected to main interstates tend to provide comfort, showers and better parking. Take advantage of downtime by relaxing, mingling with new friends and getting some solid rest, by doing so you’ll prevent exhaustion and fatigue, a major drawback of commercial and hotshot trucking.