Monthly Archives: January 2014

Big Rig Ebooks-Truck Drivers & The Trucking Industry

Truck Driver Resources Big Rig Ebooks was designed to give truck drivers a resource to trust and rely on. Although Big Rig Ebooks has only been around for a few months, the Big Rig staff...

Where The Rubber Meets The Road: The Pre-Trip Inspection

As a truck driver your first responsibility is to the drivers of other vehicles on the road around you. This means that you must conduct yourself in such a manner as to put their...

Roll On Highway: The Trucking Industry Drives America

The trucking industry is the driving force behind America’s supply and demand. Without truck drivers every aspect of American society would grind to halt due to lack of supplies. The food service industry, auto...

2014 NFL Playoffs Start Saturday

Yes, 2014 is here and what better way to start the new year out then with the NFL baby! I know a lot of truckers follow the NFL and so I felt that it...

Breaker 1-9: Learning Truck Driver Lingo

So, you’re a brand new truck driver and you’re excited over having your very own truck assigned to you by your company and now you want to begin making it your very own. Your...

Scenery From Around the Country

  This is my first attempt at a video slideshow. The music is from my sister-in-law Strega Bianca click on her name for her YouTube channel.

The Responsible Truck Driver: Protecting Yourself & The Motoring Public

The freedom of the open road is perhaps one of the most appealing parts of being a truck driver. Being able to travel across the lower 48 states, and perhaps Canada, while getting paid...