Within only a few short years, Truckers Logic went from being non-existent to one of the upper tier trucking platforms for trucking news and related materials. Today, Truckers Logic is for sale.
Due to budget restraints, our funding has stopped and we no longer have the capabilities to continue growing Truckers Logic as it’s needed. We’d rather it announce it on our website so others will have the opportunity to invest in the future of Truckers Logic. Since our audience is truck drivers, we felt this would be the best route.
Truckers Logic SEO Metrics
Truckers Logic has great value in related SEO metrics. Over 5.9K ranking keywords, URL rating of 36, Domain rating of 46. Over 25,000 total backlinks. Referring domains are 71. 2,191 referring pages and 5,588 crawled pages.
We do have a complete list of ranking keywords via Ahrefs. If you’d like to see this, let us know. Most of our traffic is through organic traffic.
Truckers Logic Traffic
As you can see above, this is a recent picture of our traffic here at Truckers Logic over the last month.
2,631 unique users for the month. 2,951 total sessions. Averaging around 100 unique visitors a day. 4,149 pageviews.
54.2 percent of our visitors come in from search engines. Direct traffic is 38.4 percent. 79.1 percent of our traffic is from the U.S.
Truckers Logic Content
Truckers Logic has nearly 1,000 pages of content.
Social Media Traffic
This is our social media traffic for the month. Our Facebook page has nearly 2,800 total likes. If you buy Truckers Logic, you do get all the social accounts that come with it.
Truckers Logic Community
Truckers Logic does come with subscribers and writers. Our writers have personal accounts. With the purchase of the domain, we can transfer everything over so your new website doesn’t miss a beat.
Make Your Offer
If you’re interested in purchasing Truckers Logic or need to learn more, please contact Richard at richard@haleassociations.com