Tag: truck driver safety
When You Suspect Something May Be Wrong with Your Tires
There are a lot of things that go into making sure that your transport is running at peak efficiency. Oil changes, new brake pads, tire rotation, new air filter, and regular tune-ups to name a...
Safety Hazards For Truck Drivers
Safety On The Road For All Drivers
Truck drivers face hazards on a continuous basis from start to finish of each working day. Sure, many of us know that truck driving is one of the...
Truck Injury Rates And Cost Highest In Washington State
Trucking Injury Rates And Cost Report Released
A new report by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries claims that the injury rates and costs of workers compensation claims of workers in the trucking...
Connecticut State Police And Norwalk Police Cracking Down On Truck Drivers
NORWALK, CT - Connecticut state police and the Norwalk police are cracking down on state truck drivers and the trucking industry. The state of Connecticut is already known for tougher standards and regulations. Wednesday...
Brake Safety Inspection Week Starts September 7th
The annual Brake Safety Inspection Week starts September 7th and runs through September 13th. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance says it expects more than 30,000 brake inspections to take place during the week, which would be...
Truck Driver Stabbed On Interstate 84
Truck Driver Stabbed In Oregon; Suspect Identified
A truck driver stabbed on Interstate 84 last week has now been identified as 63 year old Charles D. Vanzante. Oregon State Police stated that Charles was stabbed...
Truckers Rolling Against Hepatitis C; Launches At Great American Truck Show
Several organizations are partnering to launch the Truckers Rolling Against Hepatitis C initiative at the Great American Trucking Show in Dallas, Texas. The Healthy Trucking Association of America (HTAA), Abbvie and OraSure Technologies Inc....
Trucking Industry Invest $7.5 Million Annually On Safety
Trucking Industry Safety
Last week, the ATA spent time to testify in front of Congress. The ATA reflected on the fact that the trucking industry spends $7.5 billion dollars a year on safety alone. Not...
FMCSA’s Safety Administrator Anne Ferro Resigns
Anne Ferro Resignation
We've been hearing reports about the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association and others asking for the resignation of FMCSA's top trucking safety administrator. On Friday, it finally happened. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration chief Anne...
Two Semi-Trucks Responsible For 5 Deaths on Interstate 55 And Route 6
Truck DriverFrancisco Espinal-Quiroz Charged
Two semi-trucks responsible for 5 deaths is now under investigation after Monday's fatal crashes that killed 5 people and injured 5 more. The driver of a semi-truck that hit three stopped vehicles on Interstate 55 Monday...