Submit Your Truck

Submit Your Truck Truckers Logic

Submit Your Truck To Truckers Logic

Do you have a semi truck that you want featured on Truckers Logic? If so, we want to hear from you. Take a picture of your truck and send it to us with the following information.


  • Name
  • Contact Email
  • Truck Brand
  • Description Of Truck
  • Special Features
  • Custom Information


If you want to mention anything else about your truck, please feel free to include it in your email. Please send your picture and information via email to

Due to the current volume of entries, it can take a few weeks before your entry will be published. We do hold the right to disapprove your submission for any reason. Please don’t send any graphic pictures of you, females or anyone else. We ask to only include your truck in your picture. Please keep it clean and don’t forget to sub,it your information and details in the email. If you follow these steps, your truck is very likely to be published.