Best Truck APU [Auxiliary Power Unit]


If you’re in the market for a truck APU, also called an auxiliary power unit, you may have noticed all the different units available to you. With so many APUs available, it can be tough finding the right one for you. When you add to the equation all the different biased reviews, it’s near impossible to get an accurate account for each system.

I’ve spent a lot of time around APUs. Some of you may prefer a portable generator to power your truck. It’s less expensive, but with new rulemaking, a lot of drivers are switching to auxiliary power units.

You need a power source to power your cab, APUs were specifically designed for that. Again, with the Anti-Idling rule, you can’t leave your truck idle in certain areas. I don’t know about you but I don’t need any fines. You need to become familiar with the anti-idling rulemaking in your state.

Best Truck APUs

Based on my own recommendations, driver friends, our survey and others, Truckers Logic was able to take all considerations into account.

ThermoKing TriPac APUThermoKing TriPac APU

The ThermoKing TriPac APU is one of the highest recommended APU systems. The TRIPAC™ Evolution Diesel APU is Thermo King’s next-generation APU that provides virtually unlimited sleeper cab heating and air conditioning while reducing tractor idling and lowering maintenance costs.

In addition to delivering significant fuel savings, the TriPac Evolution APU is a valuable driver recruitment and retention tool, offering maximum driver comfort while out on the road. Out of all the APUs in the industry, the TRIPAC™ Evolution Diesel APU is one of the most recommended.

The TriPac Evolution has an industry-leading 2000-hour maintenance interval, which saves you time and money. And because it reduces tractor engine idling, the TriPac Evolution also lowers run time and reduces maintenance on your tractor, saving you even more and adding to the resale value of the tractor.

TriPac APU Review Score: 4.6/5.0

Carrier ComfortPro APUCarrier ComfortPro APU

Carrier’s ComfortPro APU is another top unit you should be considering. Based on everyone’s opinions, the Carrier APU is just as good as the TriPac.

Idling a tractor engine for in-cab comfort or to ensure cold starts is very costly. It increases fuel cost, engine hours, engine maintenance, and service cost. With the Carrier auxiliary power unit (APU), you can turn off your engine, be comfortable, and turn down your operating costs.

Externally mounted on the side rails, Carrier’s APU is protected by a weatherproof compartment and runs off the truck’s fuel supply. This innovative hybrid diesel-electric system saves fuel, runs quieter than the truck engine, reduces emissions, and provides reliable all-night comfort for the driver.

Carrier APU Review Score: 4.7/5.0

Willis APUWillis APU

The Willis APU is right up there with Carrier and ThermoKing. Willis auxiliary power units received high praise in a number of different categories in our review.

Several Willis APU reviews stated the unit was been great, well beyond 4K, 6K and over 10K hours on the unit.

The Willis Auxliary Power Unit (APU) gives professional truckers the resources they need to combat tighter budgets, higher fuel costs, and stricter EPA emission regulations according to the company.

Willis states that their APUs have 50 percent more engine power than their competition.

Willis APU Review Score: 4.7/5.0

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