Tag: truck news
Senate Bill Would Lower Truck Driver Age Limit If Passed
A senate bill currently making rounds proposes to lower the truck driver age limit, allowing teen truck drivers to cross state borders. While many from the trucking industry support the rulemaking, a fair percentage don't....
Department Of Transportation Urges Truck Drivers To Sleep
Truck Drivers Happy With More Production, More Money
With the 34 hour restart rollback complete, the Department of Transportation is urging truck drivers to get sleep.Numerous truck drivers and trucking organizations applauded congress for including...
More Freight And Rate Hikes Could Be Ahead For Trucking Executives
More Freight, Higher Rates Concern Trucking Management
After a winter season that the trucking industry now far remembers, the trucking economy is stronger then ever. Trucking executives are encouraged by a stronger economy that continues...
Truck Tonnage Index Increases 0.5 Percent in October
Truck Tonnage Back Up After September Loss
American Trucking Associations’ advanced seasonally adjusted For-Hire Truck Tonnage Index rose 0.5% in October, following a revised decline of 0.8% during the previous month. In October, the index...