Home Truck Driver Tips

Truck Driver Tips

Truck driver tips that will help give you trusted insight on the trucking industry. Truck drivers can always use tips and ideas, from truck maintenance to making more money as a truck driver.

Winter Weather Driving Tools

Truck Driving In Bad Weather One of the greatest tools we have as a truck driver is our judgement. We use our judgement all day and every day. The majority of people can afford a...

Traveling America’s Roads – Big Rig Talk

For all of us that drive America's roads, many of us are familiar with the lack of upkeep and maintenance done on our road systems. Of course, one of the biggest reasons we have...

Roll On Highway: The Trucking Industry Drives America

The trucking industry is the driving force behind America’s supply and demand. Without truck drivers every aspect of American society would grind to halt due to lack of supplies. The food service industry, auto...

Who All Must File Excise Form 2290? Let’s Know The IRS Facts

Normally when we mean truckers and fleet-owners who must file excise tax form 2290, we may refer to it as a corporation, Limited liability company (LLC), partnerships, charitable organizations, Educational institutions, non-profit organizations or...

Truck Driving Types And Requirements

  In the automotive industry, there is constant advancement in the various types of vehicles and how they function. With these advancements comes an increasing need for road safety regulations. One of the major motor...
Teen Truck Drivers

Senate Bill Would Lower Truck Driver Age Limit If Passed

A senate bill currently making rounds proposes to lower the truck driver age limit, allowing teen truck drivers to cross state borders. While many from the trucking industry support the rulemaking, a fair percentage don't....

Truck Driver Jobs Available

Trucking Companies Are Hiring If you're looking for a career in trucking, we do have truck drivers jobs available. Truckers Logic has several trucking sponsors that are always hiring new truck drivers. There's always truck...

Becoming A Regional Truck Driver

Truck driving regionally is great for an individual who enjoys the road but wants to have a home life. A driver can make a great salary, be successful and enjoy the other pleasures of...

Tanker Trucks Used To Haul Migrating Salmon

The California drought has been severe this year and if not for trucking services, 30 million salmon would have never made it to the Pacific Ocean. The Sacramento River is so low from the drought,...

FTR Trucking Conditions Index Drops; Outlook Remains Positive For Trucking Industry

The FTR Trucking Conditions Index measure is down again in May, dropping to a three-year low of 4.91. The TCI was also lower than its mark a year ago in 2014. The drop is...